Cinque Terra Day 2
A plate with a recipe for spaghetti in our room. Mike figured we could translate it back home and maybe have a good recipe
Christine standing underneath the red and white stripe which marks the hiking paths between the Cinque Terre towns - this is the very beginning of out hike
Christine leaning over the railing near Riomaggiore
On the Via Amore, there is a statue of two people kissing. Near the statue (the dark corner on the left of the picture), couples place locks on the fence. The locks symbolize their love and then they throw the key out to sea, so that their love will never be broken. Isn't that sweet?
A closer look at some vinyards between Riomaggiore and Manarola
Christine in front of a cool view of Manarola
Michael in front of a not-as-good view of Manarola
Christine in front of the path we just walked up
See the white line going diagonally up the mountatin - that was the path we walked from Manarola to Corniglia
Michael and the cool looking cactus plant
Christine on a swinging bridge on the path between Manarola and Corniglia
Christine and a cool sea view
Christine and a cool sea view